Using design to help you get unstuck on what matters most

The Art of Getting Unstuck

Move forward with confidence on changing what matters

You have a vision but it feels like a terrifying leap of faith to make it happen. You made a change but are second-guessing it. You’ve got no idea how to make the next step happen. The stakes for change feel high but staying where you are isn’t working for you.

What if there were a better way?

Modern Life =
Too much choice + too much to lose

If you’re struggling with being afraid or overwhelmed when thinking about your next chapter of life or something that really matters to you, you’re not alone.

I still consider myself a recovering angsty decision-maker and scared-leaper. And all of my clients come to me with the desire to make change that matters, but without a clear way to get there.

That’s because life can throw so much at us, and as we get older, we know too much and have too much at stake to leap without looking. But, that doesn’t mean the changes we desire are impossible. Just that we need a new way.

Gain clarity, confidence in your next step, and commitment to a new chapter.

Photo: Annie Spratt for Unsplash

We can get stuck in myriad ways. Whether you’re stuck on a hard decision, a desire, or because something has changed in your life (midlife, job loss, retirement, etc.), we can help you get unstuck. Gift yourself this experience, in which you’ll reflect on what’s most important and why, and create easy and tangible ways to move forward. Without angst and guilt. Participants have talked about how important areas of their lives were taking up a lot of space in their minds, but that after going through the program, these things felt much lighter and easier to attend to.

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 In 2016, I hit a low point in how I handled big life transitions. I was wrapping up my time in Singapore, working for design firm IDEO, and trying to figure out what was next. I created so many options that I essentially paralyzed myself. I couldn’t move forward.

At other times in my life, I’ve felt constrained by too few good choices. Either way, it was always a huge struggle to figure out what I really wanted and to move in that direction. I’ve gotten stuck so very many times.

By 2021, when I wanted to figure out what my next step in my career was and where I wanted to live and build a life, I decided enough was enough and I used my training in design to reinvent the experience of getting unstuck, making decisions, and moving forward on things that mattered.

Building on my design expertise and adding in what I’d learned about neuroscience, biology, and somatic experiencing (understanding the body), I realized the key wasn’t better spreadsheets or more sophisticated pro-con lists, it was about feeling my way, with intention, to the answers and changes I craved.

But how? In this heady world, we can lose sight of or not trust our intuitions. We take comfort in data, even when it doesn’t provide clarity. So, I designed a set of activities and tools to help all of us (myself included!) get back to that, by rethinking what data-driven looks like and tying it much more closely to our inner sense of what’s right and true.

Part of solving my own problems was realizing that this was the most impactful thing I could do for work: helping other people to get unstuck, to gain clarity, confidence in their next steps, and commitment to the paths they chose. We do this through a series of expertly designed activities and actions that help you gain confidence in a way that feels comfortable, not scary.

Welcome to The Art of Getting Unstuck, the output of all of that experience and learning.

 This May Not Be For You If...

  • You’re comfortable with speed at which you’re reaching the change you wish for

  • You’re not ready to challenge the way you approach whatever you’re stuck on

  • You don’t want to or have time to do things between sessions to bring to life your desires: the success of this program hinges on the steps you take between sessions

  • You find yourself thinking now is not the time, or that the financial investment feels too much

This is for people who are READY to make a change in how they approach life transitions, decisions, and things they desire -- for GOOD.

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 The Art of Getting Unstuck is about changing your mindset and approach to how you handle life’s questions.

It’s not about:

  • Using spreadsheets and gathering tons of data from your living room (and I’m an engineer and an MBA!)

  • Making pro-con lists and rank-choice lists for narrowing in on the right next step

  • Having someone else tell you what the answer is (I’ve been asked to do this more than once!)

So, who are we looking for?

  • You really want to live life in a way that fits you, not the status quo

  • You’re willing to be open and experiment with new ways of doing things

  • You’re looking for a like-minded group of people doing the same

 Real People, Real Results

Why now? Is now the time?

You’ve waited long enough. You care deeply about living a life that is meaningful to you, and something has been holding you back.


My background and the results I’ve seen:

  • I spent over a decade helping the world’s biggest and most innovative companies to grow and get unstuck

  • I have helped many people to use these tools I created to jump start their own growth and change — and the testimonials speak for themselves.

  • I have taken the best from all kinds of disciplines (from design thinking to neuroscience and biology to somatic experiencing to behavior change) to create a unique and effective approach to change

  • I’ve shared my expertise in spaces such as Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur Magazine, SXSW conference, IDEOU (you may know me from the popular IDEOU course on designing a business), and more.

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Amy has been featured as an expert in:

Participants have come from:

The Art of Getting Unstuck includes:

  • 10 live concept or coaching sessions (where Amy will share her expertise and tools)

  • 6 live small-group practice and reflection sessions (where you can ask questions and get answers from Amy)

  • A private group chat where you can access the camaraderie and accountability of a small group, in and outside of the sessions

  • Thoughtfully designed workbooks to accompany the key concepts introduced

  • On-demand replay of the videos (in case you can’t join live) for three months beyond the course

Topics include:

  • Where are you stuck? (Identifying what’s got you stuck and where to start)

  • What’s most important? (Getting clear on what’s most important and why in this chapter of life)

  • What inspires you? (Using your past and what surrounds you to draw out clues)

  • Curiosities and AHAS (Learning to look at the data of your life and extract meaning)

  • Designing experiments (Identifying small, comfortable steps to take to gain confidence)

  • Loving the liminal space (Thriving where you are)

  • Learning from experiments (Understanding what those steps are telling you and what to do next)

  • Why commitment creates commitment (Why we often get this backwards)

  • Where to from here?

 What you will learn and experience:

  • The brain and somatic (body) science behind making change accessible and possible

  • Designers’ secrets for navigating ambiguity well and creating new futures

  • Practical, actionable activities that help you move forward gently yet confidently

  • Why spaces of ambiguity in our lives are not only okay but desirable and powerful launchpads for the lives we want to lead

  • A very approachable way to design intentional experiments to help you move forward with ease

If you bring your full self, you will walk away with:

  • Clarity on what is most important to you in this phase of life

  • Confidence in the next steps that will get you to where you want to be

  • Commitment to the place you’re at and the place you’re designing into

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I’m in! When is it?

The course is offered twice a year. The winter / spring course is already underway for 2025. A late summer/early fall course dates will be announced later in the year.

Here are the key topics:

  • Where are you stuck? (Identifying what’s got you stuck and where to start)

  • What’s most important? (Getting clear on what’s most important and why in this chapter of life)

  • What inspires you? (Using your past and what surrounds you to draw out clues)

  • Understanding signals (Learning to look at the data of your life and extract meaning)

  • Designing experiments (Identifying small, comfortable steps to take to gain confidence)

  • Loving the liminal space (Thriving where you are)

  • Learning from experiments (Understanding what those steps are telling you and what to do next)

  • Why commitment creates commitment (Why we often get this backwards)

  • Where to from here?

And if you want to chat with Amy before you book, to confirm it’s right for you, sign up for a free, exploratory call:

Immediate community!

The community is now live: join and immediately connect with other people building momentum in the things that matter most.