What I’m reading this month

The books that keep me inspired

I do a TON of reading… to get inspired, to keep abreast of new ideas, and for pure enjoyment. So, I thought I’d try a new thing and highlight a book here every so often (TBD on timing of updates), so that you can follow along if you like.

The next book will be coming in January.

This month’s must-read: Sharon McMahon’s The Small and The Mighty.

October was the first in the series: Sharon McMahon’s The Small and the Mighty.

OMG, it’s for US! (also for the U.S., but I mean for US here in this community). It tells the stories of remarkable Americans most of us haven’t heard of, and how they persisted in what they wanted to achieve, despite immense obstacles (and I’m talking fires, wars, gross discrimination, etc.). Their achievements helped us be who we are today, and often came at great personal sacrifice.

But what is so remarkable in reading the book (and listening to Sharon read it), is their determination in the face of adversity. A fire destroyed the whole school system they’d created from scratch, with their own money, to educate disadvantaged kids? Not a cause for flailing about, but a time to dust off, pick up, and rebuild. No right to vote? No problem, we’ll go man by man and make the argument. Win the right for the state (of Idaho) constitution to be changed for women’s suffrage, only to have it battled in the courts? Appeal and carry on.

This passage sums up the mindset of so many of us here:

“‘Why not do the unheard-of thing?’ Rebecca asked. And what a question that is. Why not do what no one else is doing? Why not leave behind the old ways that are no longer serving? Why not be the first? Humans aren’t so much afraid of failure as they are of having people watch them fail. The shame doesn’t come from not scaling the summit, it’s from the people who judge you for not having succeeded.” To which I add “or for trying in the first place.”

And if that’s not a glowing enough recommendation, Sharon’s book debuted at NUMBER ONE on the New York Times bestseller list. Follow Sharon here.

I’m giving away one hard copy and one audio version of this book. First name chosen will get audio (which Sharon herself delightfully narrates), second will get hard cover. To redeem the hard cover, I’ll need your mailing address. To enter, please fill out the form below. Drawing (at random) will be Wednesday, October 9, 5pm ET.